This website is to show the project I have been working on since my junior year of high school. The stuff I have been working on is multiple games, I have made 2 fully functioning games so far and am currently working on my third game in 3D. During the learning process of making my two games was very fun while making them I had to learn a whole bunch of new things such as a lot of math like velocity and functions and then I had to learn an entire new coding language that I have never worked with before called GD script, but learning these new things to make something I love makes the process a lot more fun rather than just doing it to do it. During this process I watched thousands of videos on how to build a game and I even have tried 3 different game building programs such as Godot, Unreal engine, and Unity, these different game design programs do a lot of stuff different like Godot is a 2d game builder while unreal is meant for 3d amazing graphic games and unity is for those experienced programmers that have been doing it a long time.
Welcome to Tysons Cap Stone
Banana Rush
This game is my first ever game that I started working on. This game is called Banana Rush because the point of the game is to collect all the bananas and get to the end of the game. This game took me a long time to make around 3 months and 4 or 5 tries because during the making of the game parts of it kept breaking like animations for the character or the collectibles had a lot of trouble working so i gave up on it and restarted because it was annoying to try and find the error so I restarted and I did the same thing over and over again when something broke till I finally got it right.
Game Design
The design of the game is 2D it has a lot of color in it. The game was made using a lot of code that dealt with math for the gravity and movement of the player.

Game Development
The development of this game took me a month to make it has five scripts to make everything on the game work. The game isn't finished yet but so far, all the code makes the character move and jump, and all the collectible Bannas have some iffy working.

Slime Rush
This is the second game I made its called Slime rush because in the game your job is to dodge all the slimes and collect all the coins and make it to the end of the game. In this game it didn't take me as long to make because there isn't a lot of features that I added to my first game, so it took me a lot less of time to finish it. This game takes place as a knight running away from slimes and has to collect the coins the king had dropped on his journey back from a neighboring kingdom.

3D Game
The game below is one of the 3D games I have been working on so far, the game has a plat form and a place holder for the character as a white oval. The game so far has movement for all ways and a camera, but you can't jump or anything else because its brand new to work on a 3D game when I have been working with 2D games for this entire project. To learn how to make a 3D game I had to learn a bunch of new valuables and numbers to make the character jump less or more and how much the character movement doesn't just run the player off the plat form.

Naumes North
1465 Edvalson Street
Ogden, UT 84408
Tyson K slater
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